Bearded Dragon Diet and Nutrition [Over 125 Safe Food List]

Bearded dragons are popular reptile pets known for their unique appearance and docile nature. As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to understand their dietary and nutritional needs to ensure their health and well-being. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the bearded dragon diet, including a safe food list, feeding guidelines, and other essential information.

Understanding the Bearded Dragon Diet

Bearded dragons, scientifically known as Pogona vitticeps, are native to the arid regions of Australia. In the wild, they are opportunistic omnivores, which means they consume both animal and plant matter. Their diet varies depending on their life stage, with hatchlings primarily feeding on invertebrates and gradually transitioning to a more plant-based diet as adults.


When bearded dragons are still hatchlings, their diet mainly consists of small invertebrates such as crickets and mealworms. These insects provide essential proteins and fats needed for growth and development. It is crucial to provide appropriately sized prey items to avoid choking or digestive issues.


As bearded dragons grow into juveniles, their diet expands to include a wider variety of insects. Besides crickets and mealworms, they can also consume roaches, phoenix worms, butterworms, and silkworms. It is essential to offer a diverse range of prey items to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet.


When bearded dragons reach adulthood, they become predominantly herbivorous. Their diet shifts towards a mix of leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits. Dark leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, and dandelion greens are excellent choices due to their high nutritional value. Other suitable vegetables include squash, bell peppers, carrots, and green beans. Fruits should be offered in moderation as they contain natural sugars. Some safe fruit options are berries, melons, and apples.

Safe Food List for Bearded Dragons

To make it easier for you to plan your bearded dragon’s diet, we have compiled a list of safe foods that you can offer as part of their regular meals. However, it is essential to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and variations can be introduced based on seasonal availability and individual preferences:

1. Vegetables and Leafy Greens:

– Collard Greens

– Mustard Greens

– Turnip Greens

– Kale

– Dandelion Greens

– Endive

– Escarole

– Swiss Chard

– Romaine Lettuce

– Spinach (occasional small amounts)

2. Fruits:

– Apples (no seeds or core)

– Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)

– Melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon)

– Pears

– Papaya

– Mango (in moderation)

3. Insects and Invertebrates:

– Crickets

– Mealworms

– Dubia Roaches

– Phoenix Worms

– Silkworms

– Butterworms

– Hornworms

– Waxworms (treat only)

– Superworms (treat only)

– Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Calcium dusted)

4. Other Foods:

– Squash (butternut, spaghetti, acorn)

– Carrots

– Bell Peppers

– Green Beans

– Snap Peas

– Sweet Potatoes (cooked)

– Zucchini

Feeding Guidelines for Bearded Dragons

Now that you are familiar with the safe food list, it is important to understand the feeding guidelines for bearded dragons.


Juvenile bearded dragons require daily feedings, with a mix of insects and vegetables. A general guideline is to offer insects three times a day. As they grow older and transition to an adult diet, feeding can be reduced to once a day.

Adult bearded dragons can be fed every other day or every two days. Their diet should primarily consist of leafy greens and vegetables, with insects incorporated as occasional treats or to add variety.

Portion Size:

The amount of food offered should be appropriate for the size and age of your bearded dragon. As a general rule, the portion size should be around the size of their head. It is essential to monitor their weight and adjust portion sizes accordingly to prevent underfeeding or overfeeding.


Bearded dragons require certain supplements to ensure they are receiving all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The two main supplements are calcium and multivitamins.

Calcium powder with D3 should be dusted onto their prey items or sprinkled on their vegetation three to four times a week. This helps prevent metabolic bone disease, a common affliction in reptiles due to calcium deficiency.

Multivitamin powder should be given once a week. Make sure to choose a reptile-specific brand and follow the dosage instructions carefully.


Providing clean, fresh water is crucial for your bearded dragon’s health. However, they obtain most of their hydration from their food. A shallow water dish should be available in their enclosure, but it is important to monitor water quality and cleanliness regularly.

Commercial Diets for Bearded Dragons

While a varied and balanced diet of fresh foods is ideal for bearded dragons, commercial diets can serve as a supplemental or occasional option. Commercial bearded dragon diets are specially formulated to provide the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They often come in the form of pellets or powders that can be mixed with water to form a paste.

When using commercial diets, it is important to ensure that they are made specifically for bearded dragons and have a high-quality ingredient list. These diets can be used as a backup option when fresh food is not readily available or as a means to rotate and add variety to their diet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wild Insects?

It is generally advised to avoid feeding wild-caught insects to bearded dragons. Wild insects may contain pesticides or parasites that can be harmful to your pet. Additionally, they may carry diseases that can negatively affect their health. It is best to provide commercially bred insects or raise your own at home to ensure their safety.

Can Bearded Dragons Have Eggs?

Eggs can be a part of a bearded dragon’s diet, but they should be fed as an occasional treat. Eggs are a good source of protein, but they should never replace other essential components of a balanced diet. It is important to consider the overall diet and nutritional needs of your bearded dragon before introducing eggs into their meals.


Proper nutrition and a well-balanced diet are vital for the health and longevity of bearded dragons. By offering a diverse range of safe foods, following feeding guidelines, and ensuring proper supplementation, you can provide your pet with the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and well-being. Always consult with a veterinarian experienced in reptile care to address any specific dietary concerns or questions you may have.