How Many Mealworms Can I Feed My Leopard Gecko?

Leopard geckos are popular reptile pets known for their unique appearance and low maintenance requirements. As a responsible owner, it is crucial to provide them with a properly balanced diet to ensure their health and well-being. One of the most common questions among leopard gecko owners is how many mealworms they should feed their pet. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on mealworm feeding for leopard geckos.

Feedings Guidelines for Leopard Geckos:

The quantity of mealworms to feed your leopard gecko depends on its age and size. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

1. Baby Leopard Geckos:

– Feed 2-3 small crickets or mealworms daily until they reach around 15 grams or four inches in length.
– Baby leopard geckos require more frequent feedings due to their smaller size and higher growth rate.

2. Subadult Leopard Geckos:

– Feed up to 6-7 medium-sized crickets or mealworms every other day.

– As leopard geckos grow, their feeding frequency can be reduced.

3. Adult Leopard Geckos:

– Feed large crickets or mealworms two to three times a week.

– Adult leopard geckos have slower metabolisms and require fewer feedings compared to younger geckos.

Note: These guidelines serve as a starting point, and you should monitor your gecko’s weight and adjust the feeding schedule accordingly.

Optimal Mealworm Size for Leopard Geckos:

To ensure the safety and proper digestion of your leopard gecko, it is essential to provide appropriately sized mealworms. Here are some tips on determining the right size:

1. Cut Mealworms in Half:

– To prevent choking and promote safe eating habits, consider cutting the mealworm in half before feeding your gecko.
– This applies to both baby and adult geckos, as larger mealworms can pose a choking hazard.

2. Choose Mealworms Relative to Gecko’s Size:

– The mealworm size should be suitable for your gecko’s mouth and size.
– If the mealworm is too big to fit comfortably in your gecko’s mouth, it may cause difficulties in swallowing.

3. Observe Your Gecko’s Eating Behavior:

– Pay close attention to how your leopard gecko eats. If it struggles to consume a whole mealworm, it may be necessary to provide smaller pieces.
– Conversely, if your gecko eats mealworms effortlessly, you can consider increasing the size gradually.

Mealworms as a Part of a Balanced Diet:

While mealworms can be a staple in a leopard gecko’s diet, it is essential to provide a varied and balanced diet to meet their nutritional needs. Here are some dietary considerations:

1. Gut Loading:

– Gut loading is the process of feeding the mealworms with nutrient-rich foods before offering them to your gecko.
– This enhances the nutritional content of the mealworms, making them more beneficial for your gecko.
– Common gut load options include fresh fruits, vegetables, and commercial gut load products available in pet stores.

2. Calcium and Vitamin Supplementation:

– In addition to mealworms, leopard geckos require calcium and vitamin supplementation to prevent deficiencies.
– Dusting the mealworms with a reptile-specific calcium and vitamin powder before feeding can help meet these needs.
– Consult with a reptile veterinarian or experienced reptile keeper to ensure proper supplementation.

3. Variety in Diet:

– While mealworms can be the primary protein source, it is crucial to introduce variety into your gecko’s diet.
– Consider offering other feeder insects like crickets, dubia roaches, waxworms, and phoenix worms.
– Each feeder insect provides different nutrients, which contributes to a more balanced diet.

Monitoring Your Leopard Gecko’s Health:

Regular monitoring of your leopard gecko’s health is essential to ensure that it is thriving and not experiencing any dietary or health-related issues. Here are some signs to watch for:

1. Weight Gain or Loss:

– Monitor your gecko’s weight using a digital scale regularly.

– Significant weight gain or loss can indicate an improper diet or underlying health problems.

2. Stool Consistency:

– Regularly check your gecko’s stool for any abnormalities.

– Healthy stool should be firm and well-formed.

3. Overall Appearance and Activity:

– Observe your gecko’s overall appearance, including its skin condition and eye clarity.

– Active and alert behavior is indicative of a healthy gecko.


Feeding your leopard gecko an appropriate diet is crucial for its growth, health, and overall well-being. The number of mealworms to feed depends on the gecko’s age and size, with baby geckos requiring more frequent feedings. It is essential to provide appropriately sized mealworms and incorporate a variety of feeder insects to ensure a balanced diet. Regularly monitor your gecko’s health and consult with a reptile veterinarian for any concerns or questions. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure a healthy and happy leopard gecko.