How Often Do Bearded Dragons Eat?

How Often Do Bearded Dragons Eat?

If you are a beginner of keeping bearded dragons, understanding about proper way to feed them may be a complicated problem for you.

In order to get started with bearded dragons, you have to figure lots of things such as how often do bearded dragons eat, what kind of food can bearded dragons eat and even nutritious and healthy diet for them, etc.

This article will provide you some basic things about bearded dragon diet that all owners should know.

Bearded dragons well-balanced diet

Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they can eat both plants and animal-based food. Bearded dragons will change their diet on age. Younger dragons need to provide more nutrients to grown, so they will eat 80% of their diet is insects and only 20% of their diet is vegetables.

On the other hand, the adult bearded dragons may have the risk of obesity if they are fed much of insects.

Therefore, adults should eat only 20% of insects and 80% vegetables. The adult dragons also eat less of time than he younger.

Besides, you also need to ensure that do not feed them any food that larger than the gap between their eyes. The large size of food can cause chocked and also hard to digest for them.

How often do baby bearded dragons need to eat?

Under 3 months old bearded dragons need to have the diet rich in protein, they require to be fed 5 times per day with the diet contain much of live feeder than a vegetable.

Babies 3-6 months old should be fed 3-4 times per day and when they reach 6 months old, you should decrease the time of feeding down to 3 times per day.

Letting them eat as many insects as possible. Each meal of them should last for 10-15 minutes. Moreover, ensure that you will remove all the excess food that does not eat around 30 minutes after you feed them.

Note: Putting food directly on the substrate is the wrong thing to do. Even the best bearded dragon substrate has more or less affected their digestive system.

How often do baby bearded dragons need to eat?

In this period of a lifetime, adult bearded dragons almost do not grow anymore. Therefore they will need lees staple source of protein and also lees time of feeding than the babies.

When bearded dragons reach 18 months old, they just need to be fed once per day for every day. Their diet should consist of only 20% protein and the rest part is vegetables. Bearded dragons even can go for a short time without eating.