Lizard Food: What to Feed Your Pet Lizards


Owning a pet lizard can be a rewarding experience for reptile enthusiasts. However, as with any pet, it is important to provide proper care and nutrition to ensure their health and well-being. One of the crucial aspects of lizard care is understanding their dietary requirements.

In this article, we will explore the different types of food that are suitable for feeding pet lizards, as well as provide guidelines on how to create a balanced diet for your scaly friend.

Types of Lizards and Their Variations in Diet:

Lizards come in a variety of species, each with their own unique dietary preferences and requirements. Some common pet lizard species include leopard geckos, bearded dragons, crested geckos, and anoles. Let’s take a closer look at the specific dietary needs of each of these lizards.

1. Leopard Geckos:

Leopard geckos are insectivores, which means their diet primarily consists of insects. Their preferred food sources include crickets, mealworms, waxworms, and silkworms. It is important to provide a varied diet to ensure they receive a wide range of nutrients.

2. Bearded Dragons:

Bearded dragons are omnivorous, meaning they consume both plant matter and insects. The ideal diet for these lizards includes a mix of leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and insects. Leafy greens such as collard greens, kale, and dandelion greens should form the basis of their vegetable intake.

3. Crested Geckos:

Crested geckos are primarily frugivorous, which means their diet mainly consists of fruit. They also consume insects, but fruit should make up the majority of their diet. Suitable fruits for crested geckos include mashed bananas, papayas, mangoes, and apricots.

4. Anoles:

Anoles are insectivorous lizards and feed primarily on small insects like crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. It is recommended to dust their prey with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements to fulfill their nutritional needs.

General Guidelines for a Balanced Diet:

Regardless of the lizard species, several guidelines should be followed to ensure a balanced diet for your pet. These include:

1. Variety is Key:

Offering a variety of food items will help ensure that your lizard receives a wide range of nutrients. This is especially important for lizards with specialized diets such as crested geckos, which heavily rely on specific food items like fruits.

2. Gut Loading and Dusting:

Gut loading involves feeding the insects with nutrient-rich foods before offering them to your lizard. This ensures that the insects carry higher nutritional value. Dusting refers to coating the insects with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements before feeding them to your lizard. This helps prevent any deficiencies and promotes bone health.

3. Avoid Toxic Foods:

Certain foods are toxic to lizards and should be avoided at all costs. These include avocado, onion, garlic, and rhubarb. It is essential to research and be aware of any potential harmful foods for your specific lizard species.

4. Hydration:

Dehydration can be a serious concern for lizards. Provide a shallow dish of fresh water that is easily accessible to your pet. Additionally, some lizard species, like crested geckos, may also benefit from misting their enclosure to maintain adequate humidity levels.

5. Supplements:

In some cases, lizards may require additional supplementation to meet their specific nutritional needs. Consultation with a reptile veterinarian is recommended to determine if your pet requires any additional supplements, such as vitamin or mineral powders.


Feeding your pet lizard a well-balanced diet is crucial for their overall health and vitality. Knowing the specific dietary requirements of your lizard species is essential for their well-being. Offering a variety of foods and ensuring proper supplementation will help provide the essential nutrients necessary for your pet lizard’s growth and longevity. Remember to research your lizard’s species-specific dietary needs and consult with a reptile veterinarian for guidance. By providing the right diet, you can ensure that your pet lizard thrives in captivity.