Reptiles Available for Adoption


Keeping reptiles as pets has become increasingly popular in recent years. These fascinating creatures offer a unique and rewarding pet ownership experience. However, it is crucial to choose a reptile species that matches your level of experience and commitment to proper care. In this article, we will explore two popular reptile species available for adoption and provide detailed information on their care requirements.

1. Corn Snake (Pantherophis guttatus):

Corn snakes are one of the most popular pet reptiles, especially for beginners. They are highly adaptable, easy to handle, and have a calm disposition. These snakes come in a wide variety of colors, making them visually appealing to many reptile enthusiasts.

Caring for a Corn Snake:

– Housing: A spacious enclosure with proper heating and lighting is essential for Corn Snakes. A glass terrarium or a wooden vivarium with secure lids is recommended.
– Temperature and Humidity: Corn Snakes require a basking spot with a temperature range of 80-85°F during the day, while the ambient temperature should be around 75-80°F. The humidity level should be maintained at 40-50%.
– Diet: Corn Snakes feed on small rodents. They should be fed appropriately sized prey every 5-7 days.
– Handling: Corn Snakes are known for their docile nature, which makes them easy to handle. However, it’s important to ensure proper hand washing before and after handling to prevent the transmission of any infectious diseases.

2. Kenyan Sand Boa (Gongylophis colubrinus):

Kenyan Sand Boas are unique and fascinating reptiles originating from the sandy areas of East Africa. They have a stocky build and are known for burrowing in the sand. These snakes are relatively small, making them suitable for reptile enthusiasts with limited space.

Caring for a Kenyan Sand Boa:

– Housing: A desert-themed enclosure is ideal for Kenyan Sand Boas. The substrate should consist of a mixture of sand and soil, allowing the snake to burrow. A hide box is essential to provide a sense of security.
– Temperature and Humidity: Kenyan Sand Boas require a temperature gradient of 85-90°F on the warm end and 75-80°F on the cool side. The humidity level should be maintained at 40-50% to mimic their natural habitat.
– Diet: Kenyan Sand Boas primarily feed on small rodents. They should be fed appropriately sized prey every 7-10 days.
– Burrowing Behavior: These snakes love to burrow, so providing deep substrate is important. Ensure that the substrate remains moist but not wet to prevent respiratory issues.


When considering reptiles as pets, it is essential to research and understand the specific care requirements of each species. This article provided an overview of two popular reptile species, the Corn Snake and the Kenyan Sand Boa, and their respective care needs.

Remember, responsible reptile ownership requires a commitment to providing proper housing, heating, lighting, and a balanced diet. Additionally, regular veterinary check-ups are important to ensure the health and well-being of your reptile companion.

By making an informed choice and providing appropriate care, reptile enthusiasts can enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling experience as pet owners.