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Teach your kids to think of others through volunteering: here’s our guide to worthy local organizations and charities in Singapore.

We all strive to give our kids the best education possible, focusing on choosing the best schools with the right philosophy and raising smart, well-rounded citizens of tomorrow. However, amidst the bustling schedules and academic pursuits, it’s easy to overlook the importance of instilling the value of giving back and helping those less fortunate. Volunteering is a powerful way to teach empathy, compassion, and the importance of making a positive impact in the world.

Fortunately, there are numerous opportunities to get involved and volunteer in Singapore. Real understanding and empathy for others truly come through first-hand experiences, where individuals can meet, connect, and touch the lives of others directly. It’s a million times more powerful than simply learning about poverty in a sterile classroom or making a cash donation.

If you want your kids to get involved and give a little back to the community, we’ve done some digging to create a handy list of philanthropic organizations and charities in Singapore that are in need of a helping hand. So, go on and encourage your kids to volunteer!

1. Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is an international non-profit organization that focuses on providing safe and affordable housing for underprivileged families. They have a presence in Singapore and offer various volunteer opportunities that are suitable for kids as well. From participating in homebuilding projects to organizing fundraising events, your kids can contribute to making a difference in someone’s life. Habitat for Humanity’s volunteer programs also provide a unique opportunity for kids to learn about the importance of community building and the impact of safe housing on individuals and families.

2. Food from the Heart

Food from the Heart is a local charity that aims to provide food aid to low-income families in Singapore. They distribute food to those in need through various channels, including welfare homes, senior activity centers, and soup kitchens. Volunteer activities with Food from the Heart can involve sorting and packing food items, delivering food bundles, and assisting in food distribution events. By participating in these activities, kids can learn about the importance of food security, reduce food waste, and help alleviate hunger in their community.

3. Willing Hearts

Willing Hearts is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization that provides meals and other support services to those in need, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. They operate a soup kitchen that prepares and distributes meals to various locations across Singapore. Kids can join in the meal preparation process, from chopping vegetables to cooking and packaging meals. Volunteering with Willing Hearts offers children the opportunity to experience firsthand the joy of feeding those in need and instills in them the value of compassion and serving others.

4. Animal Lovers League

If your kids have a soft spot for animals, volunteering with the Animal Lovers League can be a great option. The Animal Lovers League is a no-kill shelter in Singapore that provides a safe haven for abandoned and stray animals. Volunteers assist with tasks such as animal care, cleaning, feeding, and socializing with the animals. Through this experience, kids can develop empathy, responsibility, and respect for all living creatures while making a positive impact on the lives of these animals.

5. Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay, one of Singapore’s iconic attractions, offers volunteer opportunities for families and kids who have an interest in horticulture and conservation. They have programs like the Youth Ambassador Program, where young volunteers can learn about plants, ecology, and sustainable practices. Kids can participate in activities such as guided tours, gardening, and educational workshops. Volunteering with Gardens by the Bay provides a unique opportunity for children to connect with nature, learn about environmental conservation, and promote green living.

6. Singapore Red Cross

The Singapore Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides assistance to vulnerable communities in times of crisis and emergency. They offer volunteer programs suitable for kids, such as First Aid training, blood donation drives, and community outreach events. Volunteering with the Singapore Red Cross not only allows kids to learn valuable life skills but also instills a sense of responsibility and empathy towards those in need, both locally and internationally.

7. Children’s Cancer Foundation

The Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and their families affected by cancer. They provide financial, educational, and emotional support to help alleviate the challenges faced by these families. CCF offers volunteer opportunities for those who want to make a difference in the lives of these young cancer patients. Kids can contribute by participating in fundraising events, organizing recreational activities, and providing support to the children and their families. Volunteering with CCF allows children to develop empathy, resilience, and a sense of solidarity with those facing difficult circumstances.

8. ACRES (Animal Concerns Research and Education Society)

ACRES is a local animal protection organization that advocates for the welfare of animals, including wildlife, domesticated animals, and farm animals. They organize various volunteer programs suitable for kids, such as wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, animal adoption drives, and education outreach programs. By participating in ACRES’ volunteer activities, kids can learn about animal rights, environmental conservation, and the importance of coexisting with animals in a sustainable manner.

9. The Food Bank Singapore

The Food Bank Singapore is a food charity that collects excess food from various sources and redistributes it to those in need. They work with food manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to rescue surplus food that would otherwise go to waste. Kids can volunteer with The Food Bank Singapore by assisting in food collection drives, sorting and packing donated food items, and distributing food to beneficiaries. Through this experience, children can gain an understanding of food waste, hunger issues, and the importance of sustainable food practices.

10. SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

The SPCA is a well-known animal welfare organization in Singapore that advocates for animal rights and promotes responsible pet ownership. Kids can volunteer with the SPCA by helping at the animal shelter, participating in adoption drives, and organizing fundraising events. By volunteering with the SPCA, children can learn about animal care, compassion towards animals, and the importance of responsible pet ownership.

These are just a few examples of the many organizations and charities in Singapore that provide volunteer opportunities for kids. By participating in volunteering activities, children can develop important life skills, cultivate empathy and compassion, and make a positive impact on their community. It’s never too early to start teaching kids about the value of giving back and the power of making a difference in the lives of others. So, encourage your kids to get involved and experience the joy of volunteering!