The Best Vegetables for a Bearded Dragon’s Diet


Being responsible bearded dragon owners entails understanding the healthiest foods to feed our beloved pets. While these reptiles may seem tough, it is essential to be cautious when preparing their meals. So, what vegetables can a bearded dragon eat? Can they consume cooked veggies? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide guidance on the best vegetables for a bearded dragon’s diet.

What Vegetables Can a Bearded Dragon Eat?

Bearded dragons are not picky eaters and can consume a variety of vegetables, similar to human diets. When it comes to their diet, it is crucial to maintain a 25:75 ratio, with 75% consisting of vegetation and greens, while the remaining 25% is meat. This ratio ensures that the majority of their meal plan consists of vegetables. Here is a list of vegetables suitable for bearded dragons:

1. Sweet Potato: Rich in vitamins and fiber, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of nutrition for bearded dragons. They can be served cooked or raw, but ensure they are cut into small, manageable pieces for easy consumption.

2. Bell Pepper: Bell peppers are low in oxalates and high in vitamin C, making them a nutritious choice for your bearded dragon. Ensure the bell peppers are thoroughly washed and cut into bite-sized pieces.

3. Pumpkin: Pumpkin is a great source of fiber and contains essential vitamins and minerals. Remove the seeds and skin before serving, and offer cooked or raw pumpkin in small pieces.

4. Cabbage: Dark leafy greens like cabbage are packed with nutrients and should be a regular part of your bearded dragon’s diet. Offer small amounts of finely chopped or shredded cabbage.

5. Broccoli: Broccoli is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, but should be fed in moderation due to its goitrogenic properties. Steam or blanch the broccoli to improve digestibility.

6. Zucchini: Zucchini is a hydrating vegetable that is easy for bearded dragons to consume. Cut it into small pieces and serve it raw or lightly cooked.

7. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins and antioxidants. However, it is important to remove the seeds and skin before offering them to your bearded dragon.

8. Squash: Varieties such as butternut squash and yellow squash are nutritious options. Cook them and offer small pieces to your bearded dragon.

9. Kale: Kale is a nutrient-dense green that should be included in your bearded dragon’s diet. Chop it finely before serving to make it easier to eat.

10. Mushrooms: Certain mushrooms, such as button mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, can be included in your bearded dragon’s diet. Serve them in small quantities, as occasional treats.

11. Corn: Corn contains essential nutrients, but it should be fed sparingly due to its higher sugar content. Offer small, cooked corn kernels as an occasional treat.

12. Sprouts: Sprouts, such as alfalfa sprouts, can be a beneficial addition to your bearded dragon’s diet. They provide a variety of nutrients and can be served raw.

13. Peas: Peas are a good source of vitamins and fiber. While they can be served raw or cooked, it is advisable to crush them to make them easier to consume.

14. Asparagus: Asparagus is rich in fiber and vitamins, making it a healthy vegetable choice. Serve it cooked and cut into small pieces.

15. Parsnip: Parsnips are a good source of vitamins and provide variety to your bearded dragon’s diet. Cook them and offer in small, bite-sized pieces.

List of Greens for Bearded Dragons

In addition to vegetables, a variety of greens should also be included in your bearded dragon’s diet. Here are some suitable options:

1. Collard Greens: High in calcium, collard greens are an excellent choice for your bearded dragon’s diet. Offer them raw or lightly steamed.

2. Celery: Celery is a hydrating green with low oxalate levels. Chop it finely before serving to enhance digestibility.

3. Mustard Greens: Mustard greens are packed with nutrients and can be served raw or cooked. They provide a great source of variety in your bearded dragon’s diet.

4. Dandelion Greens: Dandelion greens are highly nutritious and can be served raw or lightly steamed. Ensure they are thoroughly washed before offering them to your bearded dragon.

5. Turnip Greens: Turnip greens are a good source of vitamins and fiber. Serve them raw or cooked, but only in moderate amounts.

6. Endive: Endive is a leafy green that provides a variety of vitamins and minerals. Serve it raw and finely chopped for easy consumption.

7. Romaine Lettuce: Romaine lettuce is a low oxalate green and can be fed in moderation. Ensure that the leaves are thoroughly washed before offering them.

How Many Greens Should You Feed Your Bearded Dragon?

The amount of greens to feed your bearded dragon depends on its age and size. Generally, a young bearded dragon should consume more greens, while older dragons can have a higher proportion of protein in their diet. As a rough guideline, offer a handful of greens daily to younger dragons and adjust the quantity as they grow. Monitor your bearded dragon’s weight and adjust the portion accordingly to maintain a healthy balance.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cooked Vegetables?

Bearded dragons can eat cooked vegetables in moderation, but it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage: Softens Texture

Cooking vegetables can make them softer and easier for bearded dragons to consume, especially for those with dental issues or younger dragons. Softening the vegetables through cooking can increase their palatability and improve digestibility.

Disadvantage: Decreased Nutritional Value

Cooking can result in the loss of certain nutrients. To minimize nutrient loss, it is advisable to lightly steam or blanch the vegetables instead of boiling them. Additionally, ensure that the cooking time is minimal to preserve as many nutrients as possible.


A well-balanced diet is crucial for the overall health and well-being of your bearded dragon. Including a variety of vegetables and greens in their diet ensures they receive the necessary nutrients. Remember to maintain the 25:75 ratio, with 75% of their diet consisting of vegetables and greens, and the remaining 25% being meat. Offer a selection of the vegetables mentioned in this article, and provide them in small, manageable pieces. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your bearded dragon receives a nutritious and balanced diet for a happy and healthy life.