The Best Way To Store Leopard Gecko Food

The best way to store crickets is to keep them in a well-ventilated container with a ventilated lid, such as a cricket keeper tank. You can purchase a cricket keeper tank like the Lee’s cricket keeper tank. This type of enclosure provides a suitable environment for crickets to live and prevents them from escaping.

Feeding Crickets

Crickets should be provided with a nutritious diet to keep them healthy and provide essential nutrients for your Leopard Gecko. The best food to feed crickets is a commercially available cricket food or a combination of fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality commercial cricket diets.

It is important to remove any uneaten food from the cricket enclosure regularly. Leftover food can quickly spoil, attracting bacteria and pests. A clean enclosure and proper feeding ensure that the crickets stay healthy and provide optimum nutrition for your Leopard Gecko.

Gut-loading Crickets

Gut-loading is the process of feeding crickets with highly nutritious food before offering them to your Leopard Gecko. This ensures that the crickets are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, which are then passed on to your gecko during feeding.

When gut-loading crickets, you can use commercially available cricket gut-loaders or a combination of fresh fruits and vegetables. Some common gut-loading foods include leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and high-quality commercial gut-loading diets.

It is important to provide gut-loaded crickets to your Leopard Gecko as they offer enhanced nutritional value and contribute to the overall health of your pet.

How To Store Mealworms

Mealworms are another popular feeder insect for Leopard Geckos. They have a longer shelf life compared to crickets and can be stored for several weeks if done correctly.

Housing Mealworms 

Mealworms can be stored in a plastic container or a glass tank with a tight-fitting lid. Ensure that the container has sufficient ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. It is recommended to add some substrate to the container, such as oats or wheat bran, to provide a suitable environment for the mealworms.

The substrate not only serves as a food source for the mealworms but also helps regulate humidity levels. It is important to keep the substrate dry and replace it regularly to prevent mold or bacterial growth.

Feeding and Gut Loading Mealworms

Mealworms can be fed a variety of vegetables, fruits, and commercially available insect foods. Some common vegetable options include carrots, leafy greens, and squash. It is important to provide a balanced diet to the mealworms to ensure they are nutritious for your Leopard Gecko.

Similar to gut-loading crickets, you can also gut-load mealworms by feeding them nutritious foods before offering them to your gecko. This improves the nutritional value of the mealworms and contributes to the health of your pet.

Remember to remove any leftover food from the mealworm container regularly to keep it clean and prevent spoilage.

How To Store Other Popular Feeder Insects

In addition to crickets and mealworms, there are other popular feeder insects for Leopard Geckos, such as Dubia roaches, superworms, and silk worms. Here are some general guidelines for storing these feeder insects:

Dubia Roaches

Dubia roaches can be stored in a plastic container or a glass tank with a tight-fitting lid. Similar to crickets, ensure that the container has proper ventilation to prevent escape. You can provide a hiding spot for the roaches by adding egg cartons or cardboard tubes to the enclosure.

Feeding Dubia roaches a nutritious diet is essential to provide optimal nutrition to your Leopard Gecko. Commercially available roach diets or a combination of fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality commercial insect diets can be used as food.


Superworms are larger and higher in fat compared to mealworms. They can be stored in a similar way to mealworms, in a plastic or glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Provide ventilation and substrate for the superworms, and ensure that the substrate remains dry to prevent mold or bacterial growth.

Feeding superworms a balanced diet is crucial. You can offer them a variety of fruits, vegetables, and commercial insect foods. Remove any uneaten food from the container regularly and maintain a clean environment.

Silk Worms

Silk worms are highly nutritious feeder insects for Leopard Geckos. They can be stored in a well-ventilated container with a suitable lining. You can use a plastic container with holes punched in the lid or a mesh enclosure to house the silk worms.

Feeding silk worms a proper diet is essential to maintain their nutritional value. Mulberry leaves or commercial silk worm chow can be used as the primary food source. Ensure that the food is fresh and free from contamination.

By following these storage guidelines, you can ensure that your feeder insects stay healthy, provide optimal nutrition to your Leopard Gecko, and last for as long as possible.

In summary, the best way to store feeder insects for your Leopard Gecko’s diet is to provide them with appropriate housing, food, and water. Crickets can be kept in a ventilated enclosure, fed a nutritious diet, and gut-loaded for optimal nutrition. Mealworms can be stored in a container with substrate, fed a balanced diet, and gut-loaded. Other popular feeder insects like Dubia roaches, superworms, and silk worms also have specific storage requirements.

Remember to regularly clean the insect enclosures, remove any uneaten food, and provide a suitable environment for the insects to thrive. By practicing good storage techniques, you can ensure that your Leopard Gecko gets the best nutrition from its feeder insects.

So, the next time you buy feeder insects for your Leopard Gecko, make sure to store them properly to maximize their shelf life and nutritional value!