Types of Lizards in the Animal Kingdom


Lizards are one of the most numerous and diverse suborders of known reptiles. They inhabit all continents, with the logical exception of Antarctica. With over 5,600 known species grouped into 46 different families, lizards come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and habitats. In this article, we will explore some of the major types of lizards and their key characteristics.

How Many Types of Lizards Exist?

Considering the enormous biodiversity in the animal kingdom, it is difficult to specify the number of members in each family or subgenre. However, currently, there are approximately 5,600 known species of lizards grouped into 46 different families. These species range in size from a few centimeters to the legendary Komodo dragon, which can reach up to 3 meters in length.

Most lizards are native to warm climates, particularly tropical and subtropical regions. They can be found in a variety of environments, from wetlands to grasslands and even mountainous regions. Some species have also adapted to survive in inhospitable desert environments that would be challenging for most animals. Additionally, many lizard species have demonstrated remarkable adaptability, using hibernation as a survival mechanism in low temperatures.

The Five Most Popular Types of Lizards in the World:

Considering that it would be impossible to cover all 5,600 types of lizards in this article, we will focus on the five most famous lizard groups. Some of these lizards are so popular that they are frequently kept as exotic pets.

1. The Gila Monster:

The Gila Monster, whose picture appears at the beginning of this article, is known as a “monster” for a reason. Not only is it venomous, but its appearance is also unattractive and somewhat intimidating. These large and robust lizards have dark brown bodies with lighter spots.

However, Gila Monsters, native to the United States, are highly intelligent and generally non-aggressive. It is important to take preventive measures when dealing with any venomous wild animals.

2. Geckos:

The Gecko family includes over 1,500 subspecies of lizards characterized by their small size and green color. Some specimens can measure just 3 centimeters in length and weigh a little over 10 grams. The most well-known variety is the Leopard Gecko, which has gained popularity as a pet in recent years.

Geckos are often adopted as pets by first-time reptile owners due to their docile nature and small size. They are easier to handle and require simpler care compared to other lizards, such as iguanas.

3. Iguanas:

Iguanas are one of the largest types of lizards, with some species reaching lengths of 2 meters or more. They are predominantly herbivorous and can be found in tropical and subtropical regions. The green iguana, in particular, is a popular pet due to its striking coloration and relative ease of care.

However, owning an iguana as a pet requires a significant commitment as they can live for 10-20 years or even longer. These lizards need proper enclosure, diet, and UVB lighting to thrive.

4. Chameleons:

Chameleons are famous for their unique ability to change color and their distinctive, independently rotating eyes. They are native to Africa, Madagascar, and parts of southern Europe and Asia. The Yemen Chameleon and the Veiled Chameleon are among the most common species kept as pets.

Chameleons have specific care requirements, including proper temperature, humidity, and lighting. They are primarily insectivorous and need a varied diet to ensure their nutritional needs are met.

5. Monitor Lizards:

Monitor lizards, commonly referred to as monitors or goannas, are known for their large size and powerful jaws. The Komodo Dragon, which is the largest living lizard species, belongs to this group. Monitor lizards are mostly carnivorous and can be found in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Due to their size and complex care requirements, monitor lizards are not recommended as pets for inexperienced reptile owners. They require spacious enclosures, specific heating and lighting setups, and a varied diet.


Lizards are a diverse and fascinating group of reptiles that have adapted to a wide range of habitats worldwide. With thousands of species spread across various families, lizards demonstrate remarkable traits and characteristics. While the five types mentioned in this article are popular and well-known, there are many more fascinating lizard species waiting to be explored in the animal kingdom.