What happened to me?

What happened to me?

I don’t know how relevant to this page but I think it is. today while on the OCTA this is what happened to my daughter… (this is from her page.)

I was taking the bus home from my friends house because he asked me to help him put his new flooring in and then on the way home I was sitting on the bus with a box with a gift in it and some guy walked up to me (he looked to be about 50, he was only wearing flip flops and short black biker shorts with no shirt) and asked If he could sit down next to me and I said sure even tho there were lots of empty seats. Then he said that he liked my vans and I said thank you and he said they look sexy on girls. So I went silent. Then he talked to the bus lady for a while and then some girl behind me who had a guitar and he was asking her where se lived and where she was off to and what music she played. She had a guitar with her. Then he tapped me on the shoulder and asked where I was off to and I said Anaheim.

He sat next to me again and asked what school I went to so I said Huntington high.( neither of those locations are true. For my own safety) Then he started asking like are the girls there sexy at your high school. Do they have nice bodies and then he asked what I like to do so I said skating and he started saying like a whole bunch of gross stuff like how skating is sexy. And then he kissed me on the cheek like four times and then got off the bus. I was sobbing and I’m still shaking. I’m so pissed and I don’t want to see him ever again because if I do .. I swear to god. Some lady on the bus said she would’ve done something if she wasn’t a woman. She was worried he would try to hurt me or herself. Im so mad. I was wearing a tee shirt, jeans, and vans. I can’t believe that a man could say this and do what he did. I’m so pissed and I’ve been crying for an hour. I never want to take the bus alone ever again. I don’t want to be alone ever again.