What to Do if Your Leopard Gecko Has Armpit Bubbles

Leopard geckos are fascinating creatures that make popular pets for reptile enthusiasts. However, like any pet, they can experience health issues that require attention and care. One common issue that leopard gecko owners may come across is the presence of armpit bubbles. These bubbles can be concerning if you don’t know what they are and how to address them. In this article, we will discuss what armpit bubbles are, their possible causes, and what you should do if your leopard gecko has them.

What Are Leopard Gecko Armpit Bubbles?

Armpit bubbles in leopard geckos are small fluid-filled pouches that appear in the armpit area, usually behind one leg. These bubbles can contain various substances, such as fat, vitamins, protein, or calcium and other minerals. If you suspect that your gecko is overweight or has an excess intake of calcium, it is likely that these bubbles are filled with fat.

Both male and female leopard geckos can develop armpit bubbles. While they may appear concerning, it is important to know that armpit bubbles will not hurt your leopard gecko and should not cause any discomfort. They are simply an indicator that your gecko is storing something.

Other Signs of an Overweight Leopard Gecko

It is helpful to check for other signs of weight problems in your leopard gecko to ensure that the presence of armpit bubbles is indeed related to weight gain. One noticeable sign is the storage of fat in the tail. A leopard gecko’s tail should be thick but not wider than its head. If the tail becomes excessively thick, it may be a sign of overweight.

Additionally, the gecko’s legs should not become swollen or sausage-like, and the belly should not be overly round. Monitoring your gecko’s weight and comparing it to a healthy weight range can help you determine if your gecko is overweight.

Preventing Armpit Bubbles in Leopard Geckos

Preventing armpit bubbles in leopard geckos starts with maintaining a healthy diet and ensuring proper weight management. Leopard geckos primarily feed on insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and gut-loaded insects. It is crucial to provide a balanced and appropriate diet for your gecko, taking into consideration its size and individual needs.

If you notice that your gecko’s weight is increasing, it may be necessary to modify its diet. Consider feeding it only gut-loaded crickets until it returns to a healthier weight. It is essential to provide your gecko with the appropriate nutrition without overfeeding it.

Monitoring Your Gecko’s Weight

Regularly monitoring your leopard gecko’s weight can help you keep track of any changes and address potential weight problems promptly. Investing in a gram scale and recording your gecko’s weight weekly can provide valuable information. By tracking its weight over time, you will be able to identify any upward or downward trends. Consulting a reptile veterinarian can also be beneficial in understanding your gecko’s weight and overall health.

When to Seek Veterinary Assistance

While armpit bubbles in leopard geckos are usually harmless, there may be situations where veterinary assistance is necessary. If you notice that the bubbles are causing discomfort to your gecko, have become abnormally large, or are accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is advisable to consult a reptile vet. They can properly assess your gecko’s condition, provide a diagnosis, and recommend the appropriate course of action.

In conclusion, armpit bubbles in leopard geckos can be a sign of weight gain or excessive calcium intake. While they are generally harmless and do not require intervention, it is important to monitor your gecko’s weight and overall health to ensure that the bubbles are not indicative of a more serious issue. By providing a balanced diet and practicing appropriate weight management, you can help prevent armpit bubbles and promote the well-being of your leopard gecko. Remember, if you have any concerns or notice any abnormal symptoms, seek professional veterinary assistance for proper diagnosis and treatment.