Why Is My Leopard Gecko Sneezing? (Common Causes)

ard gecko at risk of respiratory infections. Other factors like poor ventilation, inadequate temperature gradients, and stress can also contribute to respiratory problems.

If your leopard gecko is sneezing frequently, has difficulty breathing, has a runny nose or discharge from the mouth, or is lethargic and not eating, these could all be signs of a respiratory infection. It’s important to take your leopard gecko to a reptile veterinarian who can properly diagnose and treat the infection.

In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the infection. It’s crucial to follow the veterinarian’s instructions and complete the full course of antibiotics, even if your leopard gecko appears to be feeling better. This will help ensure that the infection is fully cleared.

Other possible causes

If loose substrate and respiratory infections have been ruled out as the cause of your leopard gecko’s sneezing, there are a few other possible explanations:

  • Allergies: Just like humans, leopard geckos can develop allergies to certain substances. This could include things like mold, dust, or certain foods. If you suspect allergies may be the cause, try removing the potential allergen and monitor your leopard gecko’s symptoms.
  • Irritation: Your leopard gecko may have come into contact with an irritant that is causing sneezing, such as strong cleaning products or aerosols. Ensure that their enclosure is clean and free from any irritants.
  • Foreign object: It’s possible that your leopard gecko has inhaled or ingested a foreign object, such as a small piece of substrate or a bug. This can irritate their respiratory system and lead to sneezing. If you suspect this may be the case, monitor your leopard gecko closely and contact a reptile veterinarian if the sneezing persists or worsens.
  • Preventing sneezing in leopard geckos

    Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to your leopard gecko’s health. Here are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of sneezing:

    • Choose the right substrate: Opt for safe substrates like newspaper, stone tile, or slate rock that won’t produce a lot of dust or debris. Avoid loose substrates like sand, as they can easily get into your leopard gecko’s respiratory system.
    • Maintain proper humidity: Ensure that your leopard gecko’s enclosure has the correct humidity levels. The ideal range is typically around 30-40%. Too much or too little humidity can contribute to respiratory issues.
    • Provide adequate ventilation: Good airflow is essential for your leopard gecko’s respiratory health. Make sure their enclosure is properly ventilated to prevent the buildup of stale or humid air.
    • Create temperature gradients: Leopard geckos require different temperature zones within their enclosure. Providing a hot side and a cool side allows them to thermoregulate and reduce the risk of respiratory problems.
    • Keep a clean environment: Regularly clean your leopard gecko’s enclosure and remove any waste or debris. This will help prevent the growth of bacteria or mold, which can contribute to respiratory infections.
    • Reduce stress: Stress weakens the immune system and makes your leopard gecko more susceptible to illnesses. Try to minimize stressors in their environment and provide them with plenty of hiding spots and enrichment to make them feel secure.
    • By implementing these preventive measures, you can help keep your leopard gecko healthy and reduce the likelihood of sneezing or respiratory infections.

      In conclusion

      If you notice your leopard gecko sneezing, it’s important to investigate the potential causes and take appropriate action. While loose substrate and respiratory infections are common culprits, other factors like allergies, irritants, or foreign objects could also be to blame.

      Be mindful of your leopard gecko’s environment and make necessary adjustments to promote their respiratory health. If sneezing persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it’s best to consult a reptile veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

      Remember, the wellbeing of your leopard gecko should always be a priority, and addressing any health concerns promptly is key to ensuring a happy and thriving pet.