Why Your Leopard Gecko Is Digging

eopard gecko has the proper temperature gradient in their tank. This means having a hot side and a cool side for them to regulate their body temperature.

To provide the optimum temperature, you will need a heat source for the hot side of the tank. This can be a heat mat, ceramic heat emitter, or a heat lamp. Make sure to use a thermostat to control the temperature and prevent it from getting too hot.

On the cool side of the tank, you can provide a hide or cave where your leopard gecko can retreat to if they feel too hot. This hide should be cooler than the rest of the tank and provide a comfortable temperature for them to relax in.

Using a digital thermometer, monitor the temperatures on both sides of the tank. The hot side should be around 87 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, while the cool side should be around 74 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, the temperature can drop a bit to around 68 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you notice that your leopard gecko is digging excessively, it could be a sign that the temperature in their tank is not comfortable for them. Adjust the heat source accordingly to provide them with a more suitable environment.

Providing the Right Hides

Hides are an essential part of a leopard gecko’s habitat. These hides provide them with a sense of security and allow them to feel safe in their environment.

It is important to have at least two hides in their tank – one on the hot side and one on the cool side. The hides should be appropriately sized for your leopard gecko to fit comfortably inside.

The hot hide should be placed near the heat source, while the cool hide should be on the opposite side of the tank. This allows your leopard gecko to choose the temperature that they prefer.

When your leopard gecko is digging, it may be because they are trying to find a comfortable hiding spot. If they are unable to find a suitable hide, they may resort to digging into the substrate to create their own hiding place.

Make sure the hides are secure and provide enough space for your leopard gecko to move around and turn comfortably. You can use commercially available reptile hides, or you can create your own using various materials such as coconut hides or even small plastic containers with entrance holes.

The hides should be cleaned regularly to remove any buildup of feces or shed skin. This will help maintain a hygienic environment for your gecko and prevent the growth of bacteria.

Moist Hides: What to Do

In addition to the hot and cool hides, it is also important to provide a moist hide for your leopard gecko.

A moist hide is a hide that is kept humid to mimic the natural burrows that leopard geckos would use in the wild. It provides a place for them to retreat to when they need to shed their skin.

To create a moist hide, you can use a small plastic container with a lid. Cut a hole in the lid big enough for your leopard gecko to enter and exit comfortably.

Fill the container with moist substrate such as damp paper towels, sphagnum moss, or coconut fiber. The substrate should be kept moist but not wet, as excessive moisture can lead to bacterial growth and skin infections.

Place the moist hide on the cool side of the tank, as leopard geckos prefer cooler and more humid environments when shedding.

When your leopard gecko is digging, it may be because they are trying to create their own moist hiding spot. By providing a designated moist hide, you can give them a suitable place to retreat to.

Make sure to check the moist hide regularly and replace the substrate when it becomes dirty or dry. This will ensure that your leopard gecko has a clean and comfortable hiding place.

Having A Safe Place to Lay Eggs

If you have a female leopard gecko, digging may also be a sign that she is looking for a suitable place to lay her eggs.

Female leopard geckos can lay eggs even without a male present. This is called “oviposition” and is a natural behavior for female reptiles.

They will dig into the substrate to create a nest and lay their eggs. If you suspect that your female leopard gecko may be gravid (carrying eggs), it is important to provide a suitable laying box.

A laying box can be a small container filled with moistened vermiculite or perlite. The substrate should be kept moist but not wet. Place the laying box in the tank and monitor your leopard gecko for signs of digging.

If your female leopard gecko starts digging in the laying box, it is an indication that she is preparing to lay her eggs. Make sure to provide her with a quiet and stress-free environment during this time.

After laying her eggs, you can carefully remove them from the laying box and incubate them if you wish to hatch them. Consult a reptile veterinarian or experienced breeder for guidance on proper incubation techniques.

Escaping Predators

Another reason why your leopard gecko may be digging is to escape from perceived predators.

In the wild, leopard geckos have to be constantly aware of potential threats. They are adapted to burrowing and hiding in the sand to avoid predators.

In captivity, leopard geckos may still have the instinct to dig and hide when they feel threatened or stressed.

If your leopard gecko is digging excessively, make sure to check their tank and make sure there are no potential stressors. This can include loud noises, sudden movements, or even the sight of other pets.

Creating a calm and quiet environment for your leopard gecko can help reduce stress and minimize the need for them to dig as a coping mechanism.

Check Your Tank

If your leopard gecko is digging more than usual, it is important to check the overall conditions of their tank.

Make sure that the substrate you are using is safe and appropriate for leopard geckos. Loose substrates such as sand or gravel can be ingested by your gecko, leading to impaction or digestive issues.

Consider using alternatives such as paper towels, reptile carpet, or tile for the substrate. These options are safe and easy to clean.

Check for any potential stressors in their environment such as sharp objects, excessive noise, or inadequate hiding spots. These factors can contribute to the digging behavior.

Also, ensure that the humidity levels in the tank are appropriate. Leopard geckos prefer low humidity levels, so make sure the tank is well-ventilated and not overly damp.

Regularly clean and sanitize the tank to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment for your leopard gecko.


If your leopard gecko is digging, it is important to understand the reasons behind this behavior. Digging is a normal activity for leopard geckos and can occur for various reasons such as regulating body temperature, finding hiding spots, laying eggs, or escaping predators.

By providing the right temperature gradient, appropriate hides, a moist hide, and a safe place for egg laying, you can create a comfortable and enriching environment for your leopard gecko.

Regularly monitor their behavior, check the conditions of their tank, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the well-being of your leopard gecko.

Remember, each leopard gecko may have unique preferences and behaviors, so it is important to observe and understand your own gecko’s individual needs.


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