18 Critical Things to Know Before Buying a Bearded Dragon

Previously, I had done extensive research before bringing a bearded dragon home as a pet. However, nothing could have truly prepared me for the actual experience of being a bearded dragon owner. As I reflect on my journey with my bearded dragon, Bacardi, there are certain things that I wish I had known before embarking on this adventure. In this article, I hope to share with you 18 critical things that every prospective bearded dragon owner should know.

1. Setting up the right habitat: One of the primary responsibilities of a bearded dragon owner is providing a proper and comfortable habitat for their pet. Unlike dogs or cats, bearded dragons require their own dedicated space within your home.

2. Size of the enclosure: Many people underestimate the size of the enclosure needed for a bearded dragon. A 2′ x 2′ x 4′ enclosure is recommended to provide enough space for your bearded dragon to move around comfortably.

3. Finding the right stand for the enclosure: Apart from the enclosure, you will also need to find a suitable stand to place it on. Make sure the stand is sturdy and can support the weight of the enclosure.

4. Lighting and temperatures: Bearded dragons are cold-blooded reptiles, meaning they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. Proper lighting and temperature control are crucial for their health and well-being.

5. UVB lighting: Bearded dragons require UVB lighting to synthesize vitamin D3 and absorb calcium, which are essential for bone health. Make sure to invest in a high-quality UVB light specifically designed for reptiles.

6. Basking lights: In addition to UVB lighting, bearded dragons also need a basking light to create a warm spot where they can regulate their body temperature. The basking spot should reach a temperature of around 100-110°F (37-43°C).

7. Cool side of the enclosure: It is equally important to provide a cooler side in the enclosure where your bearded dragon can retreat to if they feel too hot. This cooler side should have a temperature of around 80-85°F (27-29°C).

8. Thermometers and temperature gauges: To ensure that the temperatures in the enclosure are correct, invest in reliable thermometers and temperature gauges. Regularly monitor the temperatures to make necessary adjustments.

9. Substrate: The substrate refers to the flooring or bedding in the enclosure. Avoid using loose substrates like sand or wood chips as they can be accidentally ingested and cause impaction. Opt for reptile carpet or tile instead.

10. Feeding live insects: Bearded dragons have a carnivorous diet and require live insects as a major part of their nutrition. Make sure you are comfortable with the idea of keeping live insects in your home before getting a bearded dragon.

11. Schedule the feeding: Establish a regular feeding schedule for your bearded dragon. Young dragons typically require two to three feedings a day, while adults can be fed once a day.

12. Gut-loading the insects: The nutritional value of the insects your bearded dragon eats depends on their own diet. Gut-load the insects with nutritious food a day before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

13. Vegetables and fruits: In addition to live insects, bearded dragons also need a variety of vegetables and fruits in their diet. Research which foods are safe and healthy for your bearded dragon and make sure to provide a balanced diet.

14. Water and hydration: While bearded dragons get most of their hydration from their food, it’s still important to provide a shallow dish of water in the enclosure. However, make sure to supervise your bearded dragon when offering water to avoid drowning.

15. Regular time and attention: Bearded dragons are social animals and require regular time and attention from their owners. They enjoy being handled and can become stressed if they are not given enough human interaction.

16. Find a reptile veterinarian: Bearded dragons, like any other pet, may require medical attention at some point. It’s important to find a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles and has experience with bearded dragons.

17. Bathing and nail trimming: Bearded dragons need regular baths to stay clean and hydrated. Additionally, their nails can become long and sharp, so regular nail trims are necessary to prevent injury.

18. Bearded dragons are worth it: Despite the challenges and responsibilities that come with owning a bearded dragon, they are incredibly rewarding pets. The joy and bond that you can develop with your bearded dragon make all the effort worth it.

In conclusion, owning a bearded dragon requires careful consideration and preparation. From providing the right habitat to understanding their dietary needs, there are several critical factors to consider before bringing a bearded dragon into your home. By being aware of these 18 key things, you can ensure that you are fully prepared to provide a happy and healthy life for your bearded dragon.