African fat-tailed geckos are popular reptile pets known for their unique appearance and docile temperament. Setting up a suitable habitat for these geckos is essential to ensure their well-being and happiness. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up an African fat-tailed gecko enclosure, covering temperature requirements, substrate options, and essential equipment.

Temperature Requirements for African Fat-Tailed Geckos

African fat-tailed geckos are ectothermic animals, which means they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. It is crucial to provide them with a temperature gradient in their enclosure. The following temperature ranges are recommended for African fat-tailed geckos:

– Daytime temperatures: 72 to 88 ºF (22 to 31 ºC)

– Basking temperatures: 90 ºF (32 ºC)

– Nighttime temperatures: 70 to 72 ºF (21 to 22 ºC)

To achieve these temperature ranges, it is recommended to use a combination of heating methods. Under tank heat mats are the preferred choice for providing a constant source of heat. These mats should cover one side of the tank, creating a warmer area for the gecko to thermoregulate. Additionally, a basking lamp can be used to provide a localized heat source.

It is crucial to monitor the temperatures in the tank to ensure they are within the appropriate ranges. Place a thermometer on each side of the enclosure to measure the warm and cool side temperatures accurately.

The African Fat-Tailed Gecko Setup

Now that you are aware of the temperature requirements for African fat-tailed geckos, let’s discuss the equipment and setup process.

1. Enclosure:

Choose an appropriate enclosure for your gecko. A 20-gallon terrarium is generally suitable for a single adult African fat-tailed gecko. Ensure that the tank has a secure lid to prevent the gecko from escaping.

2. Substrate:

Select a suitable substrate for your gecko’s enclosure. Options include Eco Earth, paper towels, newspaper, ceramic tiles, and reptile carpets. Eco Earth is a popular choice as it helps maintain humidity levels and provides a naturalistic environment for the gecko.

3. Heat Mat:

Place an under tank heat mat on one side of the tank. This will provide the necessary warmth for the gecko to regulate its body temperature. Connect the heat mat to a thermostat to maintain a consistent temperature. Ensure that the heat mat covers only one-third of the tank’s floor area to offer the gecko a choice of temperature zones.

4. Basking Lamp (optional):

If needed, add a basking lamp on the other side of the tank to create a temperature gradient. The basking lamp should provide a localized heat source, allowing the gecko to bask and raise its body temperature if desired.

5. Thermometers:

Install two thermometers in the tank, one on each side. This will help you monitor the warm and cool side temperatures accurately and make adjustments if necessary.

6. Hydrometer:

Place a hydrometer in the tank to measure humidity levels. African fat-tailed geckos require moderate humidity levels of around 40-60%. Ensure that the enclosure maintains appropriate humidity levels by misting the tank daily with water.

7. Hides:

Provide two hides inside the enclosure, one on the warm side and one on the cool side. These hides will serve as secure and comfortable places for the gecko to hide, sleep, and feel safe. They can be made of various materials, such as reptile hides, cork bark, or even homemade hides using egg cartons or small plastic containers.

8. Driftwood and Plants:

Add some driftwood or branches to the tank to offer climbing opportunities for the gecko. You can also include fake or live plants to create a more naturalistic environment and provide hiding places for your gecko to explore.

9. Water and Food Bowls:

Place a sturdy water bowl in the enclosure to provide fresh water for your gecko. The water should be changed regularly to maintain cleanliness. Additionally, include a small food bowl to offer food to your gecko. Ensure that the bowls are easily accessible to the gecko and can be cleaned easily.

10. Decorations and Enrichment:

Consider adding additional decorations and enrichment items to the tank, such as rocks, wooden branches, or tunnels. These items can provide mental stimulation and opportunities for the gecko to explore and climb.

Maintaining a Healthy Gecko Habitat

Once the African fat-tailed gecko setup is complete, it is essential to maintain a clean and healthy environment for your gecko. Regularly clean and spot-check the enclosure, remove any waste, and replace dirty substrate as needed. Keep the enclosure well-ventilated and free from any toxic or harmful substances.

In addition to the habitat setup, it is crucial to feed your gecko a balanced diet. Their diet consists primarily of insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. Dusting the insects with a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement is recommended to ensure proper nutrition. Offer fresh water and food daily to keep your gecko well-nourished.


Setting up a suitable habitat for your African fat-tailed gecko is relatively straightforward and requires attention to temperature, substrate selection, and providing appropriate hiding spots. By creating a warm and secure environment, you can ensure the well-being and happiness of your gecko. Regular monitoring and maintenance of the enclosure, along with a balanced diet, will contribute to the long-term health of your African fat-tailed gecko.