Bearded Dragon Selection Guide: Owners Vote Their Favorite


When it comes to selecting a bearded dragon, the choices are vast. With numerous morphs and types available, it can be overwhelming for new pet owners to determine which one is the best fit for them. Additionally, each morph has its own specific behavior and care requirements, further complicating the decision-making process. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive selection guide for bearded dragons, highlighting the most popular morphs and their characteristics. Our goal is to help prospective owners make an informed decision and become knowledgeable bearded dragon enthusiasts.

What Is The Most Popular Bearded Dragon Morph?

After conducting a survey among bearded dragon owners, the most popular morph was found to be the Leatherback Bearded Dragon. Known for its smooth and scale-less back, the Leatherback Bearded Dragon has gained popularity due to its unique appearance. It is important to note that popularity does not necessarily reflect the suitability of a morph for every owner, as each person has their own preferences and requirements.

What Is A Fancy Bearded Dragon?

The term “fancy” is often used to describe bearded dragons with unique patterns, colors, or traits. These dragons are bred specifically to enhance certain characteristics and are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts. Fancy bearded dragons can be found in various morphs and are typically more expensive than their counterparts. The appeal of fancy bearded dragons lies in their striking appearance and rarity.

9 Most Popular Bearded Dragon Morphs As Pets

Now, let’s explore the nine most popular bearded dragon morphs as pets, each with its own distinctive features:

1. Leatherback Bearded Dragon (Scalation Morph):

The Leatherback Bearded Dragon has a smooth back with reduced or absent scales. This morph is highly favored by owners due to its unique feel and appearance. Leatherbacks require slightly different care compared to other morphs, as their scales can be more sensitive and prone to injury.

2. Citrus/Yellow Bearded Dragon (Color Morph):

The Citrus/Yellow Bearded Dragon is characterized by vibrant yellow or orange coloration. This morph tends to be more visually appealing and can brighten up any bearded dragon enclosure. These dragons require the same care as other morphs but may be more sensitive to temperature changes.

3. Hypo Bearded Dragon (Hypomelanistic Morph):

Hypo Bearded Dragons have reduced black pigmentation, resulting in lighter scales and a more vibrant appearance. This morph is highly sought after for its striking contrast between the light scales and the remaining coloration. Hypo Bearded Dragons have the same care requirements as other morphs.

4. Witblit Bearded Dragon (More Muted Than Hypo):

Witblit Bearded Dragons have muted colors and reduced patterns, often appearing more faded compared to other morphs. This morph is less flashy but still has its own unique charm. Owners of Witblit Bearded Dragons need to ensure their enclosure provides an appropriate basking temperature and UVB lighting.

5. Zero Bearded Dragon (Completely Muted):

Zero Bearded Dragons have no colors or patterns and are completely muted. Although their appearance may seem plain, they are still sought after by some owners who prefer a more subtle and minimalist aesthetic. Care requirements for Zero Bearded Dragons are similar to other morphs.

6. Red Bearded Dragon (Color Morph):

Red Bearded Dragons have vibrant and intense red coloring, making them stand out among other morphs. Their striking appearance often makes them the center of attention. Red Bearded Dragons require the same care as other morphs, with proper heating and lighting being essential.

7. Silkback Bearded Dragon:

Silkback Bearded Dragons have a lack of scales all over their body, giving them a smooth and unique appearance. This morph requires extra care as their skin is more sensitive to abrasions and other injuries. Special consideration should be taken with their enclosure setup to ensure their well-being.

8. Translucent Bearded Dragon:

Translucent Bearded Dragons have semi-transparent scales, resulting in a unique appearance. This morph is known for its striking coloration and captivating pattern visibility. Care requirements for Translucent Bearded Dragons are similar to other morphs, with proper lighting and heating being crucial for their health.

9. Dunner Bearded Dragon:

Dunner Bearded Dragons have a unique pattern on their back that resembles a “V” shape. This morph is highly sought after for its distinctive appearance and is popular among bearded dragon enthusiasts. Dunner Bearded Dragons require the same care as other morphs, with proper lighting, heating, and diet being essential.


Selecting a bearded dragon should involve careful consideration of the specific morph’s characteristics, care requirements, and personal preferences. While the most popular morph among owners is the Leatherback Bearded Dragon, each morph offers its own unique charm. It is essential to research and educate yourself on the specific needs of the morph you choose, ensuring that you can provide the best care and environment for your new bearded dragon companion. By understanding the different morphs and their characteristics, you can make an informed decision and become a knowledgeable and responsible bearded dragon owner.