Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pea Shoots? (Useful Guide)

If you’re a proud owner of a bearded dragon, you know how important it is to feed them a balanced and nutritious diet. While their main diet consists of insects and leafy greens, you may be wondering if other types of plants are safe for them to consume. One such plant is pea shoots. In this article, we will explore whether or not bearded dragons can eat pea shoots, as well as other parts of the pea plant that are safe for them. Let’s dive in!

Can bearded dragons eat pea shoots?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat pea shoots. Pea shoots are the tender terminal ends of a pea plant’s stem, and they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are also low in oxalates, which can be harmful to bearded dragons in large quantities. Pea shoots can be a healthy addition to their diet, providing them with variety and additional nutrients.

How often can bearded dragons eat pea shoots?

Pea shoots can be given to your bearded dragon as an occasional treat. While they are safe for consumption, they should not be the main component of their diet. It is recommended to offer pea shoots once or twice a week, alongside their regular diet of insects and leafy greens.

Can you grow your own pea shoots?

Yes, you can easily grow your own pea shoots at home. To grow pea shoots, you will need pea seeds, a tray or container, soil or a growing medium, and water. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to grow your own pea shoots:

1. Soak the pea seeds in water for 8-12 hours to help them germinate faster.
2. Prepare the tray or container by filling it with soil or a growing medium, ensuring it is well-drained.
3. Sprinkle the soaked pea seeds evenly across the surface of the soil.

4. Gently press the seeds into the soil, about 1/4 inch deep.

5. Water the seeds thoroughly until the soil is evenly moist.

6. Place the tray or container in a well-lit area, preferably near a window.

7. Keep the soil consistently moist by watering it regularly.

8. In about 1-2 weeks, the pea shoots should be ready for harvest.

9. Cut the pea shoots close to the soil level, leaving some leaves intact for regrowth.
10. Rinse the pea shoots thoroughly before offering them to your bearded dragon.

Growing your own pea shoots not only ensures that they are fresh and free from pesticides but also provides a cost-effective way to add variety to your bearded dragon’s diet.

Can bearded dragons eat pea pods?

Bearded dragons can eat pea pods, but they should be offered sparingly. Pea pods are the outer shell that encloses the peas themselves. While they are safe for consumption, they are high in fiber and can be a bit tougher for bearded dragons to chew and digest. It is recommended to remove the peas from the pods and offer them separately, as the peas are softer and easier for your bearded dragon to consume.

Can my bearded dragon eat peas?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat peas, but they should only be offered occasionally. Peas are high in carbohydrates and sugars, so they should not be a staple in your bearded dragon’s diet. It is best to offer them as a treat or as part of a varied diet.

Can bearded dragons eat sugar snap peas?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat sugar snap peas. Sugar snap peas are a type of pea that is eaten whole, including the pod. They are sweet and crunchy, providing your bearded dragon with a different texture and taste. Sugar snap peas can be given as an occasional treat, just like regular peas or pea shoots.

Can bearded dragons eat frozen peas?

While bearded dragons can technically eat frozen peas, it is not recommended as a regular part of their diet. Frozen peas are often blanched or cooked before being frozen, which can alter their nutritional content. Fresh or thawed peas are a better option for your bearded dragon to ensure they receive the maximum nutritional benefits.

Vegetables that you should not give your bearded dragon

While bearded dragons can eat a variety of vegetables, there are some that should be avoided due to potential health risks. Here are a few vegetables that should not be given to your bearded dragon:

1. Spinach: Spinach contains high levels of oxalates, which can bind to calcium and lead to nutritional deficiencies.
2. Rhubarb: Rhubarb leaves are toxic to bearded dragons and should never be fed to them.
3. Kale: Kale contains goitrogens, which can interfere with iodine uptake and lead to thyroid problems.
4. Beet greens: Beet greens are high in oxalates and should be avoided.
5. Cabbage: Cabbage can cause gas and digestive upset in bearded dragons.

It is important to research and properly prepare any new vegetables before offering them to your bearded dragon. Always consult a veterinarian or reptile specialist if you are unsure about the suitability of a particular vegetable.

What do dragons eat in the wild?

In the wild, bearded dragons are omnivores and have a varied diet. They mainly eat insects, such as crickets, cockroaches, and mealworms. They also consume plants, including flowers, fruits, leaves, and even some small vertebrates. It is important to mimic their natural diet as closely as possible when feeding them in captivity.

What do dragons eat in the vivarium?

In captivity, bearded dragons should be fed a balanced diet that consists of both insects and plant matter. The ideal ratio is 70% plant matter and 30% insects. Leafy greens like collard greens, kale, and dandelion greens should make up the majority of their plant intake. Insects should be gut-loaded with nutritious food before being fed to your bearded dragon to ensure they receive the necessary nutrients.

How many times to feed your bearded dragon?

Bearded dragons should be fed once or twice a day, depending on their age. Younger dragons will require more frequent feedings, while adult dragons can be fed once a day. It is important to monitor their weight and adjust their feeding schedule accordingly. Feeding them small, appropriately sized meals ensures they can digest their food properly.

What to do if my bearded dragon will not eat vegetables?

If your bearded dragon is reluctant to eat vegetables, there are a few things you can do to encourage them to incorporate more plant matter into their diet.

Benefits of vegetables for your reptile:

1. Nutritional balance: Vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that contribute to your bearded dragon’s overall health.
2. Hydration: Many vegetables have high water content, which helps keep your bearded dragon hydrated.
3. Variety: Offering a variety of vegetables ensures that your bearded dragon gets a wide range of nutrients and prevents boredom.

What to do if your bearded won’t eat them:

1. Offer different textures: Some bearded dragons may prefer softer vegetables like squash or sweet potatoes, while others may prefer the crunch of greens like collard greens or dandelion greens. Experiment with different textures and see what your dragon prefers.
2. Try different preparations: Some bearded dragons may prefer their vegetables raw, while others may prefer them lightly steamed or sautéed. You can also try finely chopping the vegetables or mixing them with insects to entice your bearded dragon to eat them.
3. Gradual introduction: If your bearded dragon is resistant to eating vegetables, start by offering small amounts alongside their regular diet. Gradually increase the amount of vegetables over time to help them adjust to the new food.

Should you give your bearded dragon mineral supplements along with veggies?

Bearded dragons require a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal health. While offering a variety of vegetables can provide many of these nutrients, it is still recommended to supplement their diet with calcium and other essential minerals. Calcium supplementation is especially important to prevent metabolic bone disease. You can dust their insects with a calcium powder or offer calcium-rich foods like calcium-fortified greens.

Wrap-up FAQs about bearded dragons eating pea shoots:

Can bearded dragons eat pea pods and peas?

Yes, they can eat pea pods and peas in moderation. However, it is best to remove the peas from the pods and offer them separately.

Can bearded dragons eat sugar snap peas?

Yes, they can eat sugar snap peas as an occasional treat.

Are frozen peas safe for reptiles?

While they can technically eat frozen peas, it is not recommended as a regular part of their diet. Fresh or thawed peas are a better option.

Can I grow my own pea shoots?

Yes, you can easily grow your own pea shoots at home and offer them to your bearded dragon as a healthy treat.

In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat pea shoots and enjoy the nutritional benefits they provide. However, pea shoots should be offered in moderation, alongside a balanced diet of insects and leafy greens. Pea pods and regular peas can also be given, but it is recommended to remove the peas from the pods for easier consumption. As with any new food, it is important to introduce it gradually to ensure the well-being of your bearded dragon. As always, consult with a veterinarian or reptile specialist for specific dietary recommendations for your pet.