Donald Trump twisted idea of Making America Again!

Donald Trump twisted idea of Making America Again!

Donald Trump; his ambitions to become the Republican Presidential Candidate came out as a joke. His campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” had crazy ideas that left many with the thought that this man was just kidding, acting, or worse, mad. He had the guts to warn President Obama and other US illegal immigrants (according to his perception) that they will be deported once him, Trump, is elected President. He has proposed to ban entry of Muslims in America, to install surveillance cameras in Mosques where he believes terrorist attacks are hatched and to build a substantial wall on the Mexican-American border. He is running counter to his party’s establishments and ideals which widely oppose his candidacy. Thanks to great media coverage, Trump’s run to the Top Most Job in the world seems to be on track. His opponents have described him as divisive, unserious, and a bully…….all this is coming on the back of him being a billionaire and personally financing his campaign and his rants that he can’t be bought and that his ideas reflect the will of most Americans, which might true according to most middle and high classes of America. He has won all the Primaries held so far and some of his opponents have thrown in the towel and have bowed out of the race…….and the statistics seem to be in his favor…….just recently Obama pointed out that Trump can’t be President because the Presidency is a serious office and that he believed in the American people in not making him President…..but things might just turn out different, the strides this unserious man is making are alarmingly proving his critics wrong, America might just make him President eventually. And should we, in the third world, be afraid? Is his only plan for Africa only that of deporting Africans resident in America? Will Africa get anything out of him? If America Becomes Great Again, how will that affect us? Will there be more wars? More woes in Africa? Trump seems to be a force to reckon and we might just be part, in the negative way, of his twisted idea of Making America Again!