Leopard Gecko Feeding Schedule

ceed the distance between their eyes. This is to avoid any choking hazards or digestive issues that may arise from consuming oversized prey.

It’s also important to note that leopard geckos are unable to digest vegetation effectively, so a diet solely comprised of insects is essential for their health. Avoid feeding them fruits, vegetables, or any other plant matter as it can lead to digestive problems.

Additionally, make sure the insects you feed to your leopard gecko are gut-loaded. Gut-loading refers to feeding the insects a nutritious diet before offering them to your gecko. This process ensures that the insects have a higher nutritional value, providing your gecko with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Commercial gut-loading products are available, or you can feed the insects nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables such as carrots or leafy greens.

Leopard geckos also require calcium and vitamin D3 to maintain healthy bones and prevent metabolic bone disease. Dusting the insects with a reptile calcium supplement before feeding them to your gecko is recommended. This will ensure they are getting the required amount of calcium in their diet.

Leopard gecko feeding chart

To help you keep track of your leopard gecko’s feeding schedule, we have created a leopard gecko feeding chart. This chart will allow you to record the dates and types of food you offer to your gecko, ensuring that you maintain a consistent and balanced diet.

leopard gecko feeding chart

Click here to download the Leopard Gecko Feeding Chart in PDF format.


Creating and adhering to a proper leopard gecko feeding schedule is vital for their overall health and well-being. By understanding their age, maturity level, and natural behavior, you can provide them with the appropriate amount of food at the right time. Remember to offer a variety of gut-loaded insects in appropriate sizes, and supplement their diet with calcium and vitamin D3 to ensure optimal growth and bone health. Utilize the leopard gecko feeding chart to keep track of your gecko’s feeding routine, allowing you to monitor their diet consistently. With proper nutrition and care, your leopard gecko will thrive and live a long, healthy life.