Iran Nuclear Deal – Yea or Ney!

Iran Nuclear Deal – Yea or Ney!

I’m 100% for the Iran Nuclear Deal, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain in signing it. But a certain element in Washington believe they know better. Heads of state from six other countries believe it’s in their best interest to sign the treaty. But we think we know better than them.

We’re the ones guilty of a preemptive invasion of a country that killed thousand and cost trillion, sure we know better. We’re ones who the architects of the Iraq war , the ones that let Iraq and Iran that are much closer to the violence of the middle east, and mayhem in the Middle . Its doubt full that countries in that group would no longer give anything away since they have more to lose.

But since we probably won’t do this I would recommend that if Congress turns down this treaty they should immediately vote on going to war with Iran. If they are not willing to do this then they are just blowing smoke up in the air or somewhere else. If I were the leaders of Iran I would say thank you America. Now the world know who problem child is, US. We’re the ones not willing to compromise. We’re the bad guy here, not Iran and the other six countries.

And what if the other six countries make the deal are we going to war against Iran in spite of their will. We are one of seven that signed that negotiated that treaty. Our vote should not weight and higher than any other countries. As I said any of the Congressmen or Senators who want to go to war over should vote to declare war. This is more of the George W. Bush Foreign Policy of a preemptive strike. If I right he thought We have every right to strike a country if we think they might do us harm in the future. That really worked in the past didn’t it? .

How are they going to get a war resolution through Congress? And that leaves us refusing to sign the treaty but unwilling to do anything against Iran but maybe put on our own sanctions. And maybe convince or bribe others to go along with them?

If Israel wants a better deal they should be willing to dismantle there nuclear program and be subject to the same sanctions that they want to put on Iran. Israel wants, wants and gives nothing in return. Nothing but headaches as far as I can see.

Ron Paul, when asked about Iran he laughed at the suggestion that Iran would nuke Israel. We have multiple missiles aimed and ready should they even think about doing that. They know full well the consequences that an action like that would bring to their people. There leaders may say they want to destroy Israel but have they ever done in the past to indicate they would, except words.

So signing this deal is a no brainier for me, and the faster the better.
